DCIDE (Decision-Support for Communicating about Invisible Disabilities that are Episodic) is a free tool that aims to help workers consider whether or not to share some personal health information with others at work.

More than eight million Canadians live with limitations to their daily activities due to health or other conditions. These limitations – or disabilities – may be permanent and experienced every day, or they may be “episodic.” Episodic conditions are long-term health conditions, often invisible, where symptoms can re-occur, fluctuate, or worsen over time.

It is important to remember that health conditions do not necessarily lead to a disability. A disability comes about when the social and physical environment creates barriers for persons with health conditions. In the workplace, that means support and changes (or modifications) to some job tasks can remove the barriers that create a disability.

“Should I share information about my disability with others at my job?”

Many people struggle with the question of whether to disclose information about their health with others at work. They may experience stress related to making this decision – regardless of whether that decision is to say nothing or to share some information about their health.  If a person is thinking of disclosing some information, they also need to consider what to say, how much to disclose, when to disclose, and to whom.

The DCIDE tool

The Decision-Support for Communicating about Invisible Disabilities that are Episodic tool aims to help workers consider whether or not to share some personal health information with others at work. It was developed by research experts, people living with episodic conditions, and community groups.

DCIDE (pronounced “decide”) provides personalized guidance for people grappling with disclosure questions. It asks the user about key issues that are important to making a decision about sharing or not sharing health information in the workplace.

DCIDE is different from other communication tools:

  • The questions were developed for and with people living with a wide range of health conditions who work in different types of jobs.
  • Questions are organized into five key topics that are important to workplace disclosure decisions. You are provided a summary of your responses to each topic. The summaries are then collected into an overall summary of your personal situation and concerns.
  • The DCIDE tool links to other materials and resources that provide concrete suggestions for support strategies that you can try on your own without sharing any health information, as well as supports that others can help provide.

DCIDE and your privacy: DCIDE is available for your personal use and takes about 15 minutes to complete. It is free to use. You will not be asked for personal information and your answers will not be saved or shared with others. You may save a copy of your summary document  for your own use.