How to get involved

The success of the ACED project depends on input from workplace stakeholders and employees with episodic disabilities, the main audiences for the tools and resources being developed by the project.

Co-workers matter: new research study about sharing health information in the workplace

Do you have a co-worker who is working with a chronic health condition and who has shared some of their health and work challenges with you?


Are you living with a chronic physical or mental health condition that sometimes affects your job?
Have you shared some information with your co-workers about your challenges?

We need your help.

We are conducting a research study to learn more about sharing personal health information at work, particularly what happens when people share information about their health and work challenges with their co-workers.

We are inviting two groups of people to participate in in-depth confidential interviews.

To be eligible, you must be:

  • Someone living with a chronic physical or mental health condition that impacts your job at least some of the time who has
    • spoken to at least one co-worker about some aspect of your health condition or its impact on your job (you do not have to have shared a health diagnosis to be eligible)
    • interact regularly or work directly with this co-worker at least some of the time.


  • Work with someone who lives with a chronic physical or mental health condition with whom you have had at least one conversation about their health or its impact on work, and
    • Not be the supervisor or manager of your colleague
    • Not be living with a chronic health condition of your own

All participants also must be 18 years of age or older, resident in Canada, employed 15 hours a week or more on a regular basis, and comfortable participating in an interview in English.

To learn more, please enter your name and email in the webform below. You can also email the study directly at