• Current: Introduction
  • Instructions
  • Physical demands
  • Cognitive demands
  • Working with others
  • Working conditions
  • Job demands summary
  • Strategies list
  • Results


Welcome to the Job Demands & Accommodation Planning Tool—called JDAPT (pronounced ‘jay-dapt’) for short.

The JDAPT is an easy-to-use online tool designed for workers with an episodic disability—that is, a chronic health condition, often invisible, that reoccurs, fluctuates or is getting worse over time. If that includes you, the JDAPT can help you identify the support you may need to continue working comfortably, safely and productively in your job.

How does the JDAPT work?

The JDAPT helps you identify the demands of your job that you may be having difficulties with because of your health. Based on these job demands, the tool suggests ideas and strategies (e.g. job accommodations) to address these difficulties and help you keep working.

  • The JDAPT can be used for almost all types of jobs.
  • It will take about 15 minutes to complete.
  • You can complete the tool on your own or with someone you trust.

How does the JDAPT help?

The JDAPT allows you to prioritize and adopt the ideas and strategies best suited to your situation. Some of the ideas and strategies you can implement on your own. Others will need the approval of your workplace.

If workplace approval is needed, you can use your JDAPT results to help you organize and plan how to approach your supervisor, human resources manager, union representative or other person in your workplace who can help get you the support you need. You may even want to share your JDAPT results (or a summary) as a conversation starter.

Even if your health condition is not currently affecting your ability to do your job, the JDAPT points to self-management and other supports that can help ensure you can continue working comfortably and productively in your job for as long as possible.

What the JDAPT is NOT

The JDAPT is:

  • not a formal functional assessment, job analysis or cognitive demands analysis tool;
  • not a screening or selection tool for hiring or promotion;
  • not meant to provide advice regarding disclosure of an ongoing health condition or disability;
  • not intended to provide expert or legal advice;
  • not a job performance evaluation tool.

Who created the JDAPT?

The JDAPT is grounded in research and was developed by the Accommodating and Communicating about Episodic Disabilities (ACED) team, housed at the Institute for Work & Health, a not-for-profit research organization based in Toronto, Canada. Learn more about the ACED tools, including the JDAPT for organizations, here.

The JDAPT is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. That means this tool can be used and shared as long as IWH is credited as the source, the information is not modified, and the information is used for non-commercial purposes. Read more here.

Let’s get started. Click “Next Page” for instructions on how to complete the JDAPT.