About DCIDE (Decision-Support for Communicating about Invisible Disabilities that are Episodic)
DCIDE (Decision-Support for Communicating about Invisible Disabilities that are Episodic) is a free tool that helps workers with chronic and episodic conditions consider whether or not to share personal health information with others at work.
About eight million Canadians live with limitations to their daily activities due to health or other conditions.
These limitations—or disabilities—may be permanent and experienced every day, or they may be “episodic.” Episodic conditions are chronic health conditions, often invisible, that can re-occur, fluctuate, or worsen over time.
Should I share information about my disability with others at my job?
Many people struggle with the decision whether to disclose information about their health or work difficulties with others at their workplace. They may experience stress – regardless of whether their decision is to say nothing or to share some information about their needs.
DCIDE can help
DCIDE (pronounced “decide”) guides you through key issues that are important to making a decision about sharing or not sharing information about your health in the workplace.
DCIDE asks about your needs, your goals, your communication preferences, the supports you may have at work, and the culture in your workplace.
The tool provides you with an assessment of your responses paired with additional advice and resources that are relevant for your situation.
Free and confidential
DCIDE is free to use and takes about 15 minutes to complete. You may save a copy of your answers for your own use. No personal information is collected, and answers will not be saved or shared with others.
DCIDE is available in both English and French.
DCIDE was developed by the ACED Partnership research project led by the Institute for Work & Health (iwh.on.ca).
Learn more and access DCIDE here: aced.iwh.on.ca/dcide